Jim Carrey To Host 'SNL' On January 8th

jim carreyJim Carrey has signed on to host Saturday Night Live's first show in 2011 on January 8th. Carrey is currently riding the wave of press that's surrounding his new sexually charged movie, I Love You Phillip Morris (that was shot in April 2008 and was first screened in January 2009 at Sundance, but struggled to get a concrete release date based on its content). 

Carrey plays Steven Russell, a newly-out homosexual who reassesses his life after being injured in a car accident and begins to commit serious frauds and crimes against those around him. I Love You Phillip Morris has Carrey opposite Ewan McGreggor, who plays the Phillip Morris that Russell meets while doing time in prison. 

They probably won't address the movie too much, and it's just too bad the itchy sweater skit already went to Dane Cook. 

The musical guest will be The Black Keys, who I've been told are worthy of this recent honor.


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